Created with TaskstreamOral Presentation Rubric: African American Literature

Unsatisfactory (1)

Below Proficient (2)

Proficient (3)

Highly Proficient (4)


Attention to Audience

Did not attempt to engage audience

Little attempt to engage audience

Engaged audience and held their attention most of the time by remaining on topic and presenting facts with enthusiasm

Engaged audience and held their attention throughout with creative articulation, enthusiasm, and clearly focused presentation



No apparent logical order of presentation, unclear focus

Content is loosely connected, transitions lack clarity

Sequence of information is well-organized for the most part, but more clarity with transitions is needed

Development of thesis is clear through use of specific and appropriate examples; transitions are clear and create a succinct and even flow


Presentation Length

Greatly exceeding or falling short of allotted time

Exceeding or falling short of allotted time

Remained close to the allotted time

Presented within the allotted time



Thesis is unclear and information appears randomly chosen

Thesis is clear, but supporting information is disconnected

Information relates to a clear thesis; many relevant points, but they are somewhat unstructured

Exceptional use of material that clearly relates to a focused thesis; abundance of various supported materials


Speaking Skills

Monotone; speaker seemed uninterested in material

Little eye contact; fast speaking rate, little expression, mumbling

Clear articulation of ideas, but apparently lacks confidence with material

Exceptional confidence with material displayed through poise, clear articulation, eye contact, and enthusiasm



Project includes little variety in presentation techniques

Material presented with little originality or creative thought

Some apparent originality displayed through creative use of materials

Exceptional originality of presented material



Unorganized and meets less than half the requirements

Project meets half of the requirements; well-organized

Project is well- organized and meets most requirements

Project is well-organized and meets all requirements



Multiple grammatical and stylistic errors

Some errors in grammar and/or format that does not interfere with clarity

Few grammatical and/or stylistic errors

Nearly error-free which reflects clear understanding and thorough proofreading



Careless, hurried, and illegible presentation

Project appears rushed of somewhat careless, but the content is legible

Clear, uncluttered, and attractive

Evidence that pride and care was taken and the message of the product is clearly defined